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This book was created with my daughter in mind. I was thinking what would I want her to do when she starts going to school. I would want her to advocate for people in her class. It’s so amazing that she does it already at such a young age. I hope more people will be like Gracie in this book and speak up. This is my first book.

Mya Learns about Menstruation


This book was co-written with Bria Gadsden, MS as a tool for parents to begin the menstrual cycle conversations with their children. The book is intended to motivate girls, especially for Black and Brown girls, to ask questions about their menstruation without being ashamed because the menstrual cycle is natural.



This book was co-written with 21 other immigrant women as we shared our struggles and triumphs. My story began when I first landed in Detroit, Michigan, during the winter season from tropical Jos in Plateau State, Nigeria. This is a preview for my autobiography that will share my transition from a naive young Igbo girl to becoming the woman that I am today.

Coming soon!


The book is a part of my anti-bullying fictional series for children with the protagonist being a girl named Gracie. As stated in my first book, the book was also written with my daughter in mind. As one who advocates for others, I want my daughter to do the same. I want her to be Gracie who brings Isabel into her circle because every child deserves and needs a friend…a good friend. Even every adult deserves a good friend.

Coming soon!


This book is a review of the changes that occurred in the lives of many during COVID-19. It also highlights the work we did as an organization, Azumah Solutions LLC, as we put up needed content to help empower women. 

Have you ever wanted to know what goes on in a woman’s mind? What if we combined both? What would happen?

This book gives an exclusive insight into the exciting journeys of 22 amazing women from 13 countries of the world.

This book will teach young girls in the prepubertal period, what to expect during their period. The menstrual cycle is very important and tells us a lot about our health and IT is the fifth vital sign during a doctor’s visit.

This story was written for my daughter to encourage her and other children to support each other. Children should help each other instead of picking on or bullying each other. I hope Jonathan’s story will spark more interest in altruism in our children.